Meet Your Fellow FOKKer, Jen! Friendly Friday

We’re number one fans of our fans. (We’re sure you know how much you contribute to our existence.) So we want to thank you all with a column dedicated to you: “Friendly Fridays”! Once a month, we will be featuring a certain friend and their Knock Knock stuff-related stories.

Twitter convos with friends of Knock Knock delight us during the day, and more so when you all include beautiful pictures of how you use our stuff. It’s comforting knowing our products aren’t sitting idly by the wayside.

One of our most vivacious Twitter followers is Jen, or @jen_marq. She sends us her charming Instagram photos from time to time. You may have seen some of them as well on our social media channels. Check them all out here.

See? We just had to dedicate our Friendly Friday to her!

Jen and all her Knock Knock swag. Eat your heart out, Vanna White.


Name: Jen Marquez

Location: Chicago, Illinois.

Occupation: Graphic designer.

Favorite KK Product? The Idea Life Log. I think it’s a great tool and catalyst for the creative process, and I’m excited to start using mine!

Knock Knock Story Time? The first Knock Knock product I got was the Pep Talk Nifty Notes. I used them all the time in the office whenever someone was having a rough day, and it always was able to brighten their mood.

No, thank you, Jen. You've gone and tipped the "Awesome Scale."