WTF is Knock Knock?
Knock Knock is a maker of products that bring wit, heart, productivity (and occasional light profanity) to everyday life. Our pads, planners, journals, and books help people accomplish their goals, express their feelings, and laugh at the absurdity of modern existence.
We live by (at least) two mottos: “We Put the Fun in Functional” and “Make a List—You’ll Feel Better.” We consider list-making and laughter to be essential forms of self-care. (And, obvs, we love mottos.)
Knock Knock was founded in 2002 by Jen Bilik, and in 2018 we joined forces with Em & Friends (formerly known as Emily McDowell & Friends). In 2022 our small-but-mighty team was thrilled to become a part of the Union Square & Co. family. We’re super-excited about what’s to come. (Hint: it’ll probably involve paper and some sweary words.)

WTF is Knock Knock?
Knock Knock is a maker of products that bring wit, heart, productivity (and occasional light profanity) to everyday life. Our pads, planners, journals, and books help people accomplish their goals, express their feelings, and laugh at the absurdity of modern existence.
We live by (at least) two mottos: “We Put the Fun in Functional” and “Make a List—You’ll Feel Better.” We consider list-making and laughter to be essential forms of self-care. (And, obvs, we love mottos.)
Knock Knock was founded in 2002 by Jen Bilik, and in 2018 we joined forces with Em & Friends (formerly known as Emily McDowell & Friends). In 2022 our small-but-mighty team was thrilled to become a part of the Union Square & Co. family. We’re super-excited about what’s to come. (Hint: it’ll probably involve paper and some sweary words.)

Knock Knock Authors
Meet the writers, artists & dreamers behind some of our most awesome stuff.
We consider ourselves extraordinarily lucky to have teamed up with this bunch of creative rock stars who bring the wit and the wisdom every time. Their work embodies the
Knock Knock spirit—smart, meaningful, and funny AF. Yay!

Knock Knock Authors
Meet the writers, artists & dreamers behind some of our most awesome stuff.
We consider ourselves extraordinarily lucky to have teamed up with this bunch of creative rock stars who bring the wit and the wisdom every time. Their work embodies the
Knock Knock spirit—smart, meaningful, and funny AF. Yay!

We believe...
Products should be created with care.
Good should be rewarded.
It's good to notice quality design.
Self-awareness is underrated.
Humor makes everything better.
Smartness is fun / Ego is annoying.
Passion and curiousity can make anything interesting.

We believe...
Products should be created with care.
Good should be rewarded.
It's good to notice quality design.
Self-awareness is underrated.
Humor makes everything better.
Smartness is fun / Ego is annoying.
Passion and curiousity can make anything interesting.
WTF Are Some of Our Favorite Things?
You Got This Productivity Journal
Jerrad, Digital Marketing Manager
Of all the stuff we carry, this is the one I actually use the most. It provides the perfect balance of guidance and structure to keep me organized without a million different prompts and task-pages that make me feel guilty for not completing them. It’s clear and concise and leaves plenty of flexible room for me to conquer my to-dos in the way that works best for me. (And plenty of cheeky moments scattered throughout that make me smile!)
You Got This Productivity Journal
Jerrad, Digital Marketing Manager
Of all the stuff we carry, this is the one I actually use the most. It provides the perfect balance of guidance and structure to keep me organized without a million different prompts and task-pages that make me feel guilty for not completing them. It’s clear and concise and leaves plenty of flexible room for me to conquer my to-dos in the way that works best for me. (And plenty of cheeky moments scattered throughout that make me smile!)

Chakras Activity Book & Journal
Wendy, Account Manger
I’m a sucker for learning and self-improvement, but absolute crap at keeping up with a journal. This thing is actually fun—and informative—though! It’s been good for me, too. I’ve done some of the activities over Zoom with my friends and it’s really taken virtual happy hour to the next level. I didn’t know that much about Chakras to begin with, and I’ll always have more to discover, but I love what I’ve learned so far with this journal.

Chakras Activity Book & Journal
Wendy, Account Manger
I’m a sucker for learning and self-improvement, but absolute crap at keeping up with a journal. This thing is actually fun—and informative—though! It’s been good for me, too. I’ve done some of the activities over Zoom with my friends and it’s really taken virtual happy hour to the next level. I didn’t know that much about Chakras to begin with, and I’ll always have more to discover, but I love what I’ve learned so far with this journal.
What I Love about Dad Fill in the Love® Book
Sara, Director, E-Commerce
It’s rare to give a gift and have the recipient cherish it as dearly as my dad coveted his What I Love about Dad book, which I completed and gave to him one Father’s Day. He displayed it on a shelf and would retrieve it and read aloud passages to other family, friends, or even neighbors or stoppers-by! In our phone calls or other visits together, he would recite specific pages from memory and hold back tears. I’m grateful everyday for the opportunity that little book created for me to share the little and big reasons I loved him.
What I Love about Dad Fill in the Love® Book
Sara, Director, E-Commerce
It’s rare to give a gift and have the recipient cherish it as dearly as my dad coveted his What I Love about Dad book, which I completed and gave to him one Father’s Day. He displayed it on a shelf and would retrieve it and read aloud passages to other family, friends, or even neighbors or stoppers-by! In our phone calls or other visits together, he would recite specific pages from memory and hold back tears. I’m grateful everyday for the opportunity that little book created for me to share the little and big reasons I loved him.
You Got This Make-A-List Pad
Tracy, Senior Production Designer
Super cute, ultra-helpful, weirdly funny, slim and stylish—everything I pretend to be online, these pads are for reals. I’m the sort of person who will write “take a shower” on her to-do list after showering, just because crossing stuff off a list is so satisfying. It’s easier to get things done when you’re working from a cute list. That’s just science.
You Got This Make-A-List Pad
Tracy, Senior Production Designer
Super cute, ultra-helpful, weirdly funny, slim and stylish—everything I pretend to be online, these pads are for reals. I’m the sort of person who will write “take a shower” on her to-do list after showering, just because crossing stuff off a list is so satisfying. It’s easier to get things done when you’re working from a cute list. That’s just science.